Building Businesses on Open Government Data

Publicly available or Open Government Data is a major business resource - free of charge - that entrepreneurs around the world are using to establish new businesses, refine business strategies, and accelerate the pace of research and development. Valued at over 3 trillion USD, this data is helping businesses make evidence-based decisions in sectors like healthcare, finance, education, energy, and more.

Our two GIST Gurus, Joel Gurin and Jed Sundwall, participated in a live webchat about publicly available Government Data on December 13, 2016.  They answered viewer questions about how to access this extremely valuable resource to benefit your business!

Meet Your Gurus

Joel Gurin is President and Founder of the Center for Open Data Enterprise (, a Washington-based nonprofit that works to maximize the value of open data as a public resource. He is a senior open data consultant to the World Bank and author of the book, Open Data Now. He previously served as Chair of the White House Task Force on Smart Disclosure and as Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. For over a decade he was Editorial Director and then Executive Vice President of Consumer Reports. He can be reached at [email protected] or through his Twitter handle, @joelgurin.

Jed Sundwall leads the global open data program at Amazon Web Services, which explores ways that the AWS cloud can make data easier to discover, access, and use. The AWS open data program has democratized access to petabytes of data, including satellite imagery, genomic data, and climate models. Throughout his career, he has used the Internet to improve the quality of governance around the world through work with the World Bank, U.S. Department of State, the U.S. General Services Administration, and World Wildlife Fund.

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