Soya Kocho Plc

According to the U.N., in developing countries, 87% of girls enrol in primary school, but only 39% finish lower secondary. The dropout rate in primary schools in Southern Ethiopia is around 24%. Traditional methods of fermented food product of enset processing and enset’s low nutritional content threaten community’s welfare in many ways; because of kocho processing young girls and kids exhibit school dropout and show low academic performance; and malnutrition among infants and nursing mothers is one of the long overdue problem in Ethiopia.
Soya Kocho plc, which will be a new business firm, has developed Kocho Dough Extraction Plant which will increase per capita income of enset farmers, transform the lives of women and children, enhance community resilience and reduce women work load. Provision and commercialization of value added nutritious Kocho powder would benefit farmers, women, product vendors and children besides overcoming malnutrition among infants and nursing mothers. 





Startup Stage


Year Founded


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