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The Innovation Village Staff Tue, 05/04/2021 - 19:34

As an I-Hub, the Innovation Village Uganda works with the GIST Network to design and build strong and vibrant networks in the Ugandan ecosystem. The Innovation Village also works with the GIST Network to provide its entrepreneurs more global opportunities to learn and collaborate.

Innovation Village Opens Second Location


Through creativity, innovation and performance, we deliver marketing solutions that transform our clients’ brands and grow their businesses. We help brands grow. We offer direction. Bright ideas guide us—they are the lifeblood of our business. And we take pride in crafting and shaping the brightest ideas into memorable and valuable brands.

Mekia company limited

Mekia is a starting company which has been blessed with market ready, proven concept projects that just need a push of funding to be put on the market. The key project seeking funding, kamata a power theft control system that has been designed and developed by mekia company limited to reduce power theft cases among power users, by remotely tracking and reporting any user that tries to steal electricity through meter tampering or bypass.


Our Mission is get all Ugandans students learning, revising and researching using the EduTab. We believe in the ability of technology to make quality education available and scalable in order to have an impact on the African condition. We strive to digitise Education and to impart vital 21st century skills upon our children. We also believe that learning the skill of computer programming helps us think in a systematic manner

Tsikenu Rabboni Ltd

Our goal is to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. We add value to maize grain and then transport it to regional markets. our company is Unique since we use resources that we have in abundance.... We leverage our people and the vast land / good climate. By adding value to grain, we maximize opportunities of production to do agriculture sustainably. Our solutions are timely, reliable and convenient. We provide economies of scale.

SEEDCons Ltd

A private company incorporated in Uganda, to engage in agribusiness, consultancy and manufacturing. It was founded by its managing Director Stephen Ecwinyu, to provide Entrepreneurial Development Consulting services.

Cipher256 Co Ltd

In our effort to deliver accessible, quality, and affordable community-centric solutions (what we call “REAL SOLUTIONS”), we’re governed and driven by an ideology of passion, fun, empathy, excellence and disruptive thinking

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