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Tonetor Cyberbiz

Tonetor Cyberbiz is a Software and Webiste Development company in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is engaged in IT services, mainly in Software Development.We aim to provide what IT has to offer for a better and IT driven life. Consequently, developing state of the art software that enable businesses and organizations deal with their day to day business effectively and efficiently is our main task. Our Mission is to play a major role in the IT industry of Ethiopia.

Soya Kocho Plc

Soya Kocho plc is a business which will be established in 2018. The business is built a firm foundation in indigenous community knowledge from enset agriculture. The major reason behind my desire to establish the business is enset’s low nutritional content and inadequate fermented kocho processing rate which is only 4 kg/hr- equivalent to 5.76 tonnes fresh pit fermented kocho processing annually, in 300 working days and operated 8 hrs/day per woman.  Finally, two years of intensive research work enables me to design kocho dough extraction plant which envisaged washing 432 tonnes of fresh pit fermented kocho annually, in 300 working days and operated 8 hrs/day per plant.

Soya Kocho plc.

The dropout rate in primary schools in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia is around 24% which is above the national average of nearly 17%; and first grade dropout rate around 35% which is above national average of 24%. According to the U.N., in developing countries, 87 percent of girls enroll in primary school, but only 39 percent finish lower secondary. Because of traditional methods of fermented food product of enset processing many young girls-elementary to secondary class exhibit early and let school dropout, show low academic performance and some have been totally illiterate.

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