
ISO Code


Our product consist in a low cost myoelectric prothesis for below-elbow amputated people, the user can do several predefined movements to mimic a real hand.

Nikamcorp SAC

In the last year 2016, we obtained the patent of INDECOPI (Official Patent Entity in Peru), which covers the car, which is separated between the object to be protected (auto) and the protector in approximately 20 cm . Like an umbrella, But that is fastened to the sides of the car and opens like a fan, which is portable. With this invention, the aim is to protect the car from the inclemencies of nature, and sunlight, etc. In addition to this indicated separation, 2 small fans that are activated by a programmed time or by the temperature of the moment.


Yupibots is a startup which provides the automation of production processes focus in agriculture also Yupibots makes this technology affordable and works with a responsible, inclusive and efficient business model.


It is a platform of services and products for small and medium farmers, which offers technical assistance services, training, price comparison, provides historical price data, markets, new crops, trends and agricultural inputs. The platform consists of a web system and mobile applications that provide all the information of the crops in the area, to improve the yields and income of farmers


MiBolsillo is the first integrated mobile platform that is bringing to the formal financial system informal unbanked and underbanked microentrepreneurs (mostly women) to learn how to better manage their finances (that of the individual and their small companies), achieve savings goals and access financial services that allow them to grow their business to improve their quality of lives.

Janko Ecobicicletas

Janko is a Peruvian start-up manufacturing bamboo bikes. Janko use local bamboo and works closely with the communities living in the bamboo forests in Peru. We are engages with the development of the communities and with the strentgh of the local bamboo value chain in Peru. Janko is the first and only company in Peru offering a 100% Peruvian bike. Janko does not provide only bikes, we provide a green solution for the transportation, with a negative carbonprint and with a positive effect in the rural communities in Peru.

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