MUSCA is a start-up company from Japan. MUSCA is ardently trying to resolve the food crisis on a global scale, by spreading its state-of-the-art biomass recycle solution utilizing "Insect-tech"

Our proprietary houseflies, the MUSCA flies, is the pivot of our system. We have been selectively crossbreeding our MUSCA flies for more than 1,100 generations for 45 years, which made our flies second to none. Compared to the other insects, including popular black soldier flies, the MUSCA flies can process various types of organic wastes quickly and efficiently.

As a result, our MUSCA biomass recycle system has become economically and technically feasible, to process organic wastes into fertilizers and feeds just in one week. It processes various organic wastes from stock excreta to garbage into functional organic fertilizers and animal proteins. Thanks to the nature of our system, it can also contribute to achieve almost all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.





Startup Stage


Number of Employees

5 to 10

Year Founded


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