Here’s How to Vote:
- Go to or click here to vote
- Click “Log in to Vote” and enter your credentials or create an account to use throughout the public voting stage.
- Search for your favorite semifinalists or use the drop-down menus to filter the semifinalists by gender, emerging economy, or sector.
- Watch the applicants’ pitch videos and click their names to learn a bit more about their innovations.
- To vote for a single applicant, just click “Vote” under his/her video.
- To vote for more than one semifinalist at a time, check the boxes above their videos and then click “Batch Vote” at the top of the page.
- Log in and vote for your favorite semifinalists once per day until the end of the voting period! Twenty-four hours after you vote for a semifinalist, the “Vote” button under his/her pitch video will automatically re-appear.
- See a really amazing pitch video? Share it with your friends using the “Facebook” and “Twitter” buttons at the top of the voting page.
- Spread the word about the Semifinals public vote!