Meet Robert Langer, A 2018 U.S. Science Envoy for Innovation

Meet Robert Langer, A 2018 U.S. Science Envoy for Innovation

June 17, 2018

He’s an accomplished biomedical engineer whose inventions are said to have helped upwards of two billion lives. Now, Dr. Robert S. Langer, ScD., FREng, has been named one of five 2018 U.S. Science Envoys. Langer, specifically is the U.S. Science Envoy for Innovation.

Langer is one of 13 Institute Professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a position that is considered MIT’s highest honor. Langer has received more than 220 major awards and is one of four living individuals to have received both the United States National Medal of Science (2006) and the United States National Medal of Technology and Innovation (2011).

Beyond his scientific achievements, Langer is an accomplished entrepreneur who understand what it takes to develop and scale science ventures -- particularly in the world of medicine.

Langer’s research is at the interface of medicine, materials science and chemical engineering. As a Science Envoy for Innovation, Langer will focus on novel approaches in biomaterials, drug delivery systems, nanotechnology and tissue engineering, and the U.S. approach to research commercialization.

Meet MIT Institute Professor Robert Langer

Bob Langer: Entrepreneurship in Medical Technology

Through the Science Envoy Program, eminent U.S. scientists and engineers leverage their expertise and networks to forge connections and identify opportunities for sustained international cooperation, championing innovation and demonstrating America’s scientific leadership and technical ingenuity.

Like their 18 predecessors, these distinguished scientists will engage internationally at the citizen and government levels to enhance relationships between other nations and the United States, develop partnerships and improve collaboration.

To learn more about the U.S. Science Envoys, click here.

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