New Jordan startup looking to harness creativity of youth

New Jordan startup looking to harness creativity of youth

March 22, 2016

Youngsters need skills, and particularly in today’s job market they need skills that are going to set them apart from the thousands of others competing for work.

To think creatively and use those skills for innovation is a must. In the MENA region, the ability to do this wasn’t often highly regarded, however, many companies in Jordan, within the private sector, and the field of development, are recognizing the importance of young people’s creativity in order to reach modern solutions.

According to a UNESCO report, “promoting creativity for and among youth and harnessing young people’s creative potential and energy therefore needs to be a priority in finding creative solutions to today’s challenges.”

Channeling the creativity

This is where the founders of a new startup called Holm come in.

Abdullah Abu Fannas, Ahmad M. Massad, and Faisal Zaid Al Azzeh developed Holm, which means ‘dreams’ in Arabic, in order to stimulate creative thinking among Jordanian youth. Their aim is to connect with children and youngsters in traditionally marginalized neighborhoods, empowering them to use their own creativity to discover their life dreams.

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