Nigerian Billionaire Tony Elumelu To Give 10,000 African Entrepreneurs $100m

Nigerian Billionaire Tony Elumelu To Give 10,000 African Entrepreneurs $100m

March 22, 2016 - ENTERPRISE54 – 

Africapitalism economic philosopher Tony Elumelu just put his money where his mouth is. The pro-local investment preacher at his posh Heirs Place today announced the launch of a $100 million entrepreneurship programme to create 10,000 businesses across Africa and in the process generate 1,000,000 jobs with at least $10 billion in annual revenue contributed to the continent’s economy.

The 1,000 start-ups selected for the first series of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Program (TEEP) will participate in a comprehensive programme designed to equip them to build successful value adding businesses. The programme includes seed capital funding, a customized 12-week business skills training course, mentorship, an entrepreneurship ‘Startup Trainings,’ participation in the annual Elumelu Entrepreneurship Forum, and membership in the TEEP Alumni Network.

An official statement reads: “The African startups that successfully complete the 12-week programme with the support of their mentors and attend the two-day Startup Trainings and the Elumelu Entrepreneurship Forum will be awarded a non-returnable investment for further development of their business idea.”

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