Running a lean startup? Here are 9 free tools that could help

Running a lean startup? Here are 9 free tools that could help

March 22, 2016 - Some entrepreneurs don’t have a choice when launching a lean or bootstrapped startup. They may struggle to find financing, but wish to still proceed with their business plan. Whatever the business, outfitting a company can be an expensive undertaking. Office tools can consist of applications, finance, website, and other items — all of which will help you focus on working on your business model.

These nine free online tools can help you achieve a slimmer startup and reduce initial costs. Some of them may require financial input once your usage expands, but most still give away a substantial amount of functionality.

Office software: Google Drive

At the heart of any businesses tool is the office application software. Business owners will at least require a word processor and spreadsheet application for their needs. While these programs may cost a small fortune, especially when staff is factored in, there are some free alternatives.

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