Start-up Opportunities Abound In The Age Of Infinite, Resilient, Immutable Infrastructure

Start-up Opportunities Abound In The Age Of Infinite, Resilient, Immutable Infrastructure

March 22, 2016

As we wind down 2014, a wave of innovation is sweeping infrastructure software and providing outsize opportunities for start-ups.

From the introduction of Amazon Web Services in 2006 and the beginning of infrastructure-as-a-service, to the unveiling of Github in 2008 and the continued expansion of open source software, infrastructure technologies have evolved at a frenetic pace.

There has been the original launch of Hadoop in 2005 and the rise of NoSQL in 2009; the introduction of the iPhone and Android phones in 2008 as computing became mobile and, more recently, the 2012 acquisition of Nicira by VMWare, public since 2007, which ushered in the new era of software-defined everything.

Consequently, buyers and users of infrastructure software today expect it to be infinite in terms of scalability, resilient in the sense of being always-available and immutable as in true to its original state. Many companies are being formed at all levels of the stack that will grow into giants of the infinite, resilient, immutable software infrastructure (IRIS) era.

Containerization, database domination and the rise of DevOps will all play a part in the infrastructure paradigm, and several startups are emerging as rising contenders in each category.

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