What Is the Internet of Things?

What Is the Internet of Things?

June 5, 2018

If you have been following the tech news even a little bit over the last few years, you’ve heard of the Internet of Things. The IoT, we’re told, is supposed to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and will fundamentally change the way we live our lives.

As figures compiled by Statista show, the growth of the IoT has been growing for the last few years and is set to skyrocket within the next year or two, with both businesses and consumers adapting smart technology on a massive scale.

That sounds pretty cool, right? But all this does beg the question of what the Internet of Things actually is, beyond the marketing speak uttered by CEOs and the buzzword of the day on tech blogs.

In this article, Cloudwards.net is going to take a look how the Internet of Things works and whether it’s really going to change our lives the way so many people tell us it is. We’ll do so by using language that goes light on the technobabble and we’ll include a picture here and there to help you along, as well. Just in case, we also made a video which goes through some of the most important issues associated with the Internet of Things.

To read the full article, click here.


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