Value through Technology Innovation is the key to citizen's engagement towards sustainable service delivery. It espouses transparency in government delivery of services. This will result to timely dispensation of much needed resources from government and more collaboration from the citizenry who primarily benefits from the services. Tracking information shall ensure that the right service is served by the right government agent or agency during the citizen's time of need. That is what CrowdPoint delivers. It allows the citizen to provide ample feedback to guide government agencies and officials to focus its efforts on their objectives, and that is to provide services to help citizens. It is much like a service request monitoring tool where both citizens and government field agents have access to the same service requests. CrowdPoint shall direct the request to the right field agent. Both citizen and field agent responsible for lodging and resolving the request shall be reward by the system with points. These points shall then be converted to merit awards for field agents and consumer goods items for citizens.
Information Technology and Communication
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