Coldest Star

Dear Sirs,

We are a team of engineers who are engaged in the creation of projects for the disposal of solid wastes of sewage, also wood and plastics.

 At the moment, the whole world is facing the question of how to destroy waste sewage, without harming the environment.

This issue is included in the project "Green Energy" - obtaining energy for the workability of society, without harming nature.

Our project, which we want to offer you, also belongs to this type.

At the given moment, all states of the world are struggling with this problem in various ways: they dry waste in aeration stations and bury them in non-residential plots of land or under the seabed (Turkey), ferment, getting 30% of the gases from the total mass, the rest is digested again . In the countries of the European Union, payment is made from the state budget for the disposal of harmful substances - from 35 to 80 Euros per ton of raw materials (35 euros in Latvia, 80 euros in Germany, 40 euros in the Czech Republic)

 The technology of our project is low-temperature fast pyrolysis in order to obtain alternative energy by thermal processing, which meets the requirements of energy and environmental feasibility. In this process, out of a ton of raw materials, the percentage of the resulting processed products is as follows:

- gaseous combustible gas (10-15%)

- liquid fuel (30-40%)

- water (10-12%)

- soot, silt, sand, clay (35-40%)

That is, all the raw materials are processed completely, the plant itself works on the energy produced during the process of thermal processing.

Out of the free heat remaining, that is, the heat of combustion of the liquid fraction of the decomposition products, it is possible to generate electricity (according to approximate calculations, from 1 ton of raw material, 1120 kW of electric power is produced).

The plant's capacity ranges from 1 ton per day to 100 tons per day.

This project has no analogues in the world.

Thank you for your attention!





Startup Stage


Number of Employees


Year Founded


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