Creative Minds

  • As a leader in education industry, we pioneer in several great initiative that change how kids see things throughout learning process. As we develop into new technologies, Creative Minds has roll out 3D Printing as part of education medium and process on higher thinking skills. Working closely with our industry partners, Creative Minds has roll out long term plan on implementing 3D Printing in Education in Malaysia.
  • Transferring knowledge and education are getting more challenging with limited infrastructure especially in rural areas. Creative Minds works together with leading engineering and telecommunication company to give back to the community on reducing digital gap between demographics. We strive to balance and educate across Malaysia on important of education and technology in daily lives.
  • We lead, others immitate. We work hand-in-hand with leading education institutions and industry player to develop low cost education kits from robotics kit, 3D printer, renewable energy set and data logging. Creative Minds strive the best to become champion in education industry to deliver our own unique value to our customers and stakeholders.





Startup Stage


Number of Employees


Year Founded


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