GROW company is interested in medical business developmental fields and electronically marketing.


Our Goal is to have a healthy and successful company that is a leader in medical customer services and that has loyal customer following.

Our Objective is to apply our services to cover all areas in Egypt gradually and to allow all pharmacies needs to full pharmacist’s time to their noble message to achieve patient satisfaction.



We are in GROW,

integrated the experiences with young people to become one integrated team that combines the experiences in the field of medicine, which enables us to bring the largest number of pharmacies and companies, and experiences in programming that enable us to translate all the ideas and needs of the market into electronic databases that control the administration of the drug market, and update the software periodically, and between other group of expertise in the field of marketing, which can shop this service to match needs and requirements of customers to maintain the level of service.


Products and Services


  The service is a website and application for mobile phones that combines pharmacies, companies of production and distribution of medicines and beauty companies. so that the pharmacist can enter and see the companies with their categories and discounts, and can also make a bill to buy and send directly to the company database.

   The site and application is the first of its kind in the organization of the movement of pharmaceutical drugs between pharmacies and production and distribution companies, that this region has a strong need in the market as a new way to provide electronically system that save time and effort for the pharmacist, and save administrative expenses for the company and also enable access to the largest database available customers.





Healthcare / Medical

Startup Stage


Number of Employees

11 to 25

Year Founded


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