Some people feel good when they make shopping, some people feel happy when they make donations. We offer not to spend or not donate but Spendonate your money. Spendonate is mobile app which allows you to make donations while making your daily shopping at our partners' shops or restaurants. User spends money, makes photo and shares what he/she purchased in any social network and gets his/her donation points which can be used for donation for saving human beings or nature. We also offer to plant tree with your name on it and give GPS coordinates and you can visit your tree anytime you want. No matter how user uses donation points, we offer to share this action in social networks too.
Spendonate team believes that this solution will attract more people and companies to donation for natural and environmental issues. Besides being useful for society, we will support companies to apply their CSR policies, CRM relations of partner vendors and support government policies in environmental issues. We would like to attract attention to social an environmental issues and make the process smooth rather than "screaming out". We do not want people to spend extra time and money for donation, rather make happy them and others by simple making shopping.